Ordinary is a brand that advocates for transparency in the beauty industry, notable for its straight naming convention. Great site.
Category: outdoor
Social media, 1930s
Natural billboard
Sometimes, you’re just humbled by other people’s creativity…
Natural billboard
Sometimes, you’re just humbled by other people’s creativity…
Underrated medium
Via @gunsnrosesgirl
Underrated medium
Via @gunsnrosesgirl
‘Potentially taking advantage of me’
NZ telco Skinny gets customers to record a scripted ad, integrates with outdoor, broadcasts ads on radio, wins Grand Prix at Cannes. Social + radio = their most successful recruitment campaign ever. [Bring us your creative radio campaign and we’ll introduce you to the Australian Traffic Network.]
English cereal brand Surreal finds people who have the same name as celebrities and pays them to endorse the cereal.
Then there were the ads they said were written by the Legal Department…
Please ask Media Tonic
Very British.
Pop-up shop
World’s most remote.
Clothing with 37.5® Technology helps climbers maintain their ideal core temperature no matter the conditions. But where is the shop when you need it?
Sensational gimmick by the WIP agency in Boulder, Colorado. Yeah, they did a shoot with someone actually in the shop. “I’ll just see if we’ve got one out back”.
I guess this is Outdoor Advertising.