Category: notforprofit
March for Giants
Nominee (and probable winner) in the Creative Out of Home Awards – March for Giants has already raised $200,000 in donations for big animals on a tiny budget. How they did this: sold images of branded elephants and marched them across digital screens worldwide. Individuals could donate small amounts and see their branded elephant on screen.
Powerful concept; worked its socks off, and engaging the individuals helped campaign visibility. 340,000 screen impacts (whatever that means) and 38 million Twitter impressions. Celebrity involvement, lots of buzz, everybody happy.
Hey, affluent dudes
Great promotion that lets people book at sought-after Australian restaurants as a way of contributing to those who are hungry. Auctions are now closed, but you can register for notifications here. Just an excellent way to assuage your first world guilt.
Didn’t see that one coming. A really clever piece of storytelling.
In case you’re moved to action. And in WA.