Christmas hours

T-shirt: True courage is knowing you're wrong but refusing to admit it.

Media Tonic in WA & SA will be closed from noon, Friday 23 December. If you worked with us during the year, many thanks, and a Merry Christmas. If not, Merry Christmas anyway, and we re-open on Tuesday, 3rd January, 2023.

P.S. The Onion’s ad for this shirt reads: You work hard for your money. Now hand it over.

Nine years old

Merry Christmas. We’re working until midday Christmas Eve and will return refreshed on Wednesday 5th January. Thanks so much for your partnership during the year and best wishes for a cracking new one.


Europe’s Innocent Drinks company made this cheesy storybook about sending Santa Clause a PPE suit so he wouldn’t get infected, and then got Angry-Twittered by anti-maskers.

The social media team did not take a step backwards, changing their Twitter profile to “We make healthy drinks and write storybooks that enrage angry mobs.” Then issued this apology:

Meanwhile, Twitter is beta-testing ‘humanizing’ strategies, where they remind you that the person flaming you follows your football team and the same celebrities.

2020 in a sentence

Like looking both ways before crossing the street and then getting hit by a submarine

Written by a nine year old, responding to an American newspaper’s competition for the best summary statement of 2020.

We’re taking a break after Christmas Eve and will return on Thursday, January 7th. Thanks for your help during the year and heartfelt wishes for a refreshing holiday season.

– David and the team.